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Mathematical analysis in a sentence

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Sentence count:50Posted:2020-06-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: systematic analysisstatistical analysischemical analysiscritical analysisvertical analysistechnical analysisnumerical analysismorphological analysis
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1. The mathematical analysis is somewhat complicated.
2. One the other hand abstract mathematical analysis and the experimental laboratory do not provide a direct channel to the subject studied.
3. With clarity and with mathematical analysis, he showed how such networks could work and what they could do.
4. Econometrics Econometrics is the science of mathematical analysis of economic phenomena.
5. Insufficient mathematical analysis is the deficiency of this approach.
6. Mathematical analysis,( Pspice simulation and experimental results snubber scheme.
7. But limit is the basic mathematical analysis.
8. Then with the help of the mathematical analysis of the modulation methods in the series resonance circuit and the simulation results, a suited modulation method is chosen.
9. A preliminary fuzzy mathematical analysis of a section of Salix from China.
10. All but plug and backmix require rather sophisticated mathematical analysis.
11. Mathematical analysis, one I completely did not understand the lesson, let me point of collapse.
12. Joseph Fourier " , " Mathematical Analysis is as extensive as nature herself. " , "
13. This article introduce a strict mathematical analysis that can exactly calculate angles of wood cutting tool.
14. People started to do some mathematical analysis on the structure and the character of magic square from seventeen century.
15. In this paper, with mathematical analysis writers proved the relation of short-run and long-run cost curves in economics.
16. Mathematical analysis on the refrigeratory system and fractional distillation system of the plant provides a basis for plant design.
17. A mathematical analysis would show that they are truly random.
18. No amount of theologizing could be a substitute for mathematical analysis.
19. This experimental solution has since been confirmed by a purely mathematical analysis carried out by H. L. Cox.
20. According to the thermal experiment data and correction curve of heat supply units[], the mathematical analysis formula of thermodynamic characteristic has been given accurately in this paper.
21. The calculations of extreme value for monadic and binary function are essential problem in mathematical analysis , which can apply to calculate maximum and minimum.
22. According to the results of calculation and analysis, Colebrook formula is considered as a accurate formula, and approximate formulae only can be made rough calculation and mathematical analysis.
23. The students in a topology course should have some knowledge of mathematical analysis and abstract algebra .
24. The paper studies the property of sign function and its application to mathematical analysis.
25. A physical description of the theoretical basis of the judgement of identifiability has been given, but its strict mathematical analysis is omitted on account of space limitation.
26. In this paper, the applications of the construction method in mathematical analysis was discussed.
27. The geometry average arithmetic average inequality is very important in mathematical analysis.
28. Quite overelaborate is the study of resistance-adjusting system in the tractor hydraulic suspension system with mathematical analysis due to its complicated mechanism and internal signal transmission.
29. A careful examination of the factors which influence the equalizing current of the converters, this article presents methods and procedures for performing mathematical analysis.
30. From the view of methodology, the meaning and function of transformation method in mathematical analysis enunciated.
More similar words: systematic analysisstatistical analysischemical analysiscritical analysisvertical analysistechnical analysisnumerical analysismorphological analysismathematicalmathematicallymathematical logicmathematical modelmathematical operationmathematical symbolmathematical modelsmathematical processstatic analysisstatistical data analysismathematical expressionmarginal analysisin the final analysiscausal analysisfunctional analysisdimensional analysisfinancial analysisautomated analysiscontextual analysishorizontal analysisstructural analysisacoustic analysis
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